SD Hospital Blog have good load of information about healthcare services that includes dermatology, maternity services and physiotherapy. We have experts in each of these fields who have provided related information. It is always advisable to go through our website before you consult with a healthcare provider as ignorance may not always be bliss. Have a read and become more knowledgeable on these niche healthcare services.

Latest News On SD HOSPITAL

Exploring the Frontier of Orthopedic Care at Top Ortho Hospital

In a bustling city setting, a bone and joint care shift marks a new high in health service. Here, patients find advanced treatments and tech once seen only in tales. The city's leading ortho hospital is pioneering care and bringing hope to those with ongoing bone issues. With these leaps in medical tech, individuals

Pioneering Heart Disease Diagnosis Coronary Angiogram

Chennai shines in medical milestones, especially heart health diagnostics, with its leap in coronary angiogram technology. This leading-edge procedure, powered by CT angiography, brings hope and fresh avenues for those at a greater risk of heart-related issues. It is a boon for adults and fitness buffs keen on heart health, offering quick and precise

Diagnostic And Imaging centres: A Brief Overview

What Is Diagnostic Testing? Diagnostic testing is used to confirm or rule out certain conditions and diseases in the body. The testing procedures include X-rays, ultrasound, and CT scans. X-rays are the most widely used diagnostic imaging procedure in the world today. There are two types of diagnostic tests: invasive and non-invasive. Invasive diagnostic procedures necessitate

What Storage Solution Is Ideal for Healthcare Sectors?

Healthcare storage systems are required to maintain a sterile environment. Antimicrobial powder coatings are ideal for storing objects that require protection against bacteria such as E. coli, MRSA, and Listeria. A storage machine can increase storage space in a limited space. If you want to organize your space with storage racks that are mobile,

Career In Healthcare Industry:

Healthcare is rapidly expanding and providing a varied range of work opportunities for experts. Consumer attention, the strengthening of the medical insurance sector, and a demand for improved services and commodities will all help to alter the country's second largest service sector employer during the next decade. The All India Management Association, the Boston Consulting

Healing Methods For Back Pain That Comes With Age

Essential remedies to alleviate back pain related to old age Aches all over the body are quite normal when your body starts to age, and spines are the worst affected that give rise to acute back pains. The spine vertebrae that stretches from the neck to the tail bones suffer degeneration in most of them

Work From Home And Ways To Reduce Back Pains

Prolonged sitting hours before computers The new standard of working from home due to the pandemic and subsequent lockdowns has also brought upon further chronic suffering- the back pain. While you cannot compromise on your work, there are certainly ways to prevent back pains from occurring due to prolonged sitting hours before computers. Apart from

What is the duration of the physical therapy program?

Most patients who underwent physical therapy have this question in mind- How long should I continue physical therapy? It is not possible to give a general answer to this question. Every individual is unique. Several factors play an important part in determining the duration of physical therapy and your overall prognosis. The duration to attend

All about Broken Wrist or Colles’ Fracture

A broken wrist is also referred to as distal radius fracture or Colles’ fracture. It is the condition where two large bones break in the forearm. The lower end of the bone breaks resulting in Colles fracture. It is one of the commonly occurring medical conditions. The arm bone gets affected or broken frequently.

Physiotherapy for Cerebral Palsy patients

Cerebral Palsy is a fatal disease that mars the overall development and causes disability among children. It is caused by the damage to the motor cortex of the brain that affects the motor controls and coordination. Cerebral palsy treatments are highly personalized to suit the needs of the patients. Though there is no cure

Significance Of Neurological Physiotherapists In Rehabilitation

Defining Neurological Physiotherapy Neuro physiotherapy, a therapeutic intervention, treats persons who are suffering from neurological disorders due to illness, traumas or neurological issues that may affect nerves, brain and spinal cord. More than one intervention technique is involved in restoring the good health of patients who are suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis

Physical therapy for tennis elbow

Tennis elbow is a condition that is commonly found in people who are playing sports such as tennis or squash. People who are doing the activities that often involve gripping and twisting, for example, turning a screwdriver are also susceptible to these conditions. They usually heal themselves with ice packs, rest, and little medications.